Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Daily lessons . . .

It seem each day is a learning lesson here lately I have been learning a lot about myself . It has been a struggle but I beginning to see all that I desreve plus understand that I am capable to do much more. I have now worked out more this month than I have in the last five years. I find myself in a better palce than I was a year ago and that speaks volumes. Right now I am in the process of letting go rushing through life and I want to have a family but it is not what God is calling me to right now. Because right its about me and me getting to know myself. Now do I want it yes but I am learning it will all come when it is time and the right time could be around the corner and I will have to be ready. This is the another reason for me to understand myself and express myself more because I dont want to have the same relationship I had before were its all about the man I am with. It important now that I know the man I am with and he knows me and we learn about each other everyday. Its funny to me that I would be where I am today I come to realize I will step out on faith say I feel and continue to grow. As my plans have changed but God's plan for me is right in order. So I will shut up and continue to learn my daily lessons. He is presenting with guidance...

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